How To Fix IPSec Anti Replay Errors On Cisco IOS and IOS XE

I’m sure you’ve all logged into a VPN Router once or twice and seen this syslog: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R0/0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS: %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle X, src_addr x.x.x.x, dest_addr y.y.y.y, SPI 0x0 Here is everything you need to know regarding the feature, the causes of the syslog, and the solutions …

How to route between VRFs on a Cisco router

This guide is the simplest way to route between 2 VRFs on a Cisco router. I didn’t invent this method as someone showed it to me. Here’s the GNS3 project + images if you want to follow along.   Essentially IOU1 is the client with, and the default gateway is IOU2. IOU2 PATs …

Cisco Nexus (NX-OSv 9000) LACP + VPC BUG FIX

This post will show you how to fix the LACP “BUG” on the NX-OSv 9000 so that you can LACP to whatever devices you want. Thus you will be able to practice VPC topologies! If you need the NX-OS 9000 image for GNS3 go here: For documentation on how to add the NX-OSv 9000 …

Cisco Nexus Storm-Control SNMP Trap and EMM Email Script

I’d like to preface this by saying on the nexus platform storm-control by default does not actually errdisable the port (I believe in catalyst it did). We can just have it syslog and generate an SNMP trap. en conf t event manager environment _email_to event manager environment _email_server x.x.x.x event manager environment _email_from …

How to Configure OSPF Authentication – Complete Guide

OSPF offers us 4 kinds of authentication when studying the CCNA and CCNP we really only hear/read about 3, the fourth SHA, is fairly new. Here’s the complete list of available authentication for OSPF. NULL (no authentication) cleartext (packet capture reveals the password) MD5 (creates a 128bit fingerprint of the password, click here to read …